Will you be getting a hair transplant? If that's the case, you're probably curious about the healing procedure. For a more pleasant hair transplant experience, we've compiled some of the most helpful post-op recovery tips here. Read on for advice on managing your expectations, caring for your scalp after surgery, and more.
Hair Transplant Aftercare Tips
After undergoing hair transplant surgery, you can restore your self-esteem and experience the joy of having a full head of natural hair again. Modern procedures' effectiveness, pain, and the recovery time greatly outweigh those of their forebears. Although the hair transplant recovery process is generally straightforward, there are a few things you should know.
Rest and avoid strenuous activity
Even though the first three days after a hair transplant is the most important, you will need to take it easy for a while. After getting a hair transplant, most medical professionals advise taking it easy for about two weeks. At this time, you should refrain from doing anything that might cause an increase in blood flow to the scalp, including the following:
- Contorting one's midsection (bend at the knees, instead)
- Exercising by jogging or running
- Do some push-ups or sit-ups.
- Avoid doing anything that raises the blood pressure in your scalp or causes you to sweat excessively.
Do not start washing dishes just yet.
After getting a hair transplant, you should wait at least 72 hours before washing your hair. It will give your scalp some much-needed rest and recovery time. After that time has passed, you can gently rewash your hair. It would help if you did not use shampoo on the head without first being applied to the hair. To shampoo, pour a small amount of shampoo into a cup, add water, shake vigorously until foamy, then pour over the scalp and rinse thoroughly with more water. It's best to avoid getting the shower spray directly on your head for the first week following the procedure.
Take Off Your Hats
It's normal to feel like you need a hat, but you shouldn't wear one for at least a week. After that time, you can wear a hat, but it should be a loose fit. After five days, you can wear whatever you like on your head.
The Dangers of Alcohol and Tobacco Use
As alcohol causes blood thinning, you should avoid it for about five days after surgery. Due to nicotine's effect on blood pressure and lowering blood flow, you will need to abstain from smoking for about four weeks before and following the procedure.
Itchiness/Scratching, Exposure to Direct Sunlight
While your scalp is healing, you may experience some itching. Allow the formation of scabs and the body's natural healing process to take its course. Keep your scalp out of the sun for about two weeks for the same reason.
As can be seen, modern hair transplant procedures have a relatively easy recovery period. Following the simple advice above, you should soon have a full head of healthy hair.
Maintaining Clean Hair
Washing their hair is a source of anxiety for many patients. When should you be able to rewash your hair without worrying about damaging the grafts that were recently implanted? It's not as dangerous as you might imagine. After 48 hours, you can safely wash your hair, but if you prefer to wait an extra day, that's fine too. We suggest only using a tiny amount of shampoo in a cup and then pouring it over your head. The mug is then filled with water, and the bubbly mixture is poured over the head, followed by a final rinsing with water from the cup. Using this method, you can gently take care of your hair grafts without dealing with the stigma of greasy hair. Do not let the shower head's spray hit your head directly for the first week. After that time, you can proceed with your regular hair care routine.
Because proper hair washing can significantly impact the outcome of a hair transplant, the clinic takes the time to show each patient how to do it properly.
There are essentially three stages to washing your hair:
15 to 30 minutes of applying lotion, oil, or another suitable moisturiser to the transplanted area is standard procedure. This aids in the gentle healing of transplant scars and graft donor sites. The elimination of any leftover dried blood and a quicker recovery are both aided by this rehydrating phase. After 15 to 30 minutes, wash the scalp with lukewarm water. To clean the transplanted and donor parts, utilise a medicated shampoo. Use a tiny bit of shampoo and work carefully up to your head. The rule is simple: never rub. It's important to use only the palms of your hands during the whole washing procedure to ensure a gentle, stress-free experience.
After shampooing, pat your hair dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. If the region needs attention, pat it softly instead of rubbing. If your scalp feels dry, stop applying the moisturiser; otherwise, keep doing so until the scabs fall off. You may also want to use a moisturising conditioner if the dryness lasts between washes.
Shampooing once a day is recommended to keep the scabs at bay. Ideally, the scabs and dried blood on your scalp would be totally gone within 7 to 10 days. The doctor could also suggest that you shampoo your hair twice daily after surgery. The specialised shampoo should be used up completely.
When a patient purchases his own hair care products, he should look for those that don't contain silicones, perfumes, or artificial colours.
Putting On A Cap
It's natural to feel self-conscious about your bald spot after a hair transplant, and we get that. After three days, a baseball cap or other snugly-fitting hat is acceptable; after five days, a looser-fitting hat is good. After the first five days, it's OK to wear whatever you like on your head. To give you an idea, if we wanted to remove the grafts from your head, we would have to perform surgery after five days. After the first five days after surgery, there is virtually nothing you can do that will cause your grafts to fall out. They are simply going through the normal process of shedding hair.
Scratching, Blisters, Heat, and Cold
Some swelling of the head after surgery is to be expected, especially between days 3 and 4. For the first week after surgery, it's essential to reduce swelling to keep your head above your heart (by sleeping in a recliner instead of a bed, perhaps while watching a marathon on Netflix). Though you might never experience any swelling, it's best to be safe than sorry. Applying ice above the eyebrows is also acceptable, but not directly to the transplanted area. Do not scratch your head for the first few days if it itches. Scabs will form more quickly if they are left alone to do so. Scratching can be relieved by massaging in some conditioner. Avoid letting your scalp soak up the rays for at least two weeks. As we've already established, you can wear a hat for three to five days, depending on how snug it is. You can take a vacation while healing from a hair transplant, but you should avoid direct sunlight.
Drugs, Alcohol, and Hair Dye
It is safe to dye your hair until the day of your transplant, but you should wait four weeks before doing so again. Hair grafts are still delicate and can be damaged by the chemicals as they try to take hold. While we hope you'll be able to kick the habit altogether, it's important to remember that starting smoking at a young age can hurt your circulation and hair growth. Alcohol can make things easier, but it's still not a good idea until five days after surgery since it can also slow blood flow to the brain.
Medication And Hair Product Recommendations
After Surgery, Patients Receive Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Lotion. The donor and the recipient should both be massaged with lotion. After 15-30 minutes, wash it with lukewarm water and shampoo. Using the towel gingerly not to scratch the recipient is appreciated. The scabs on your head should be washed out with a mild shampoo every day until they fall off on their own. Donor areas that feel dry between washes may benefit from a light application of lotion. There is no requirement for a wash cycle here.
Any of the Scarex or Contractubex Creams
Helpful in reducing donor-site scarring. You can only use it on the donor site(s) from which your grafts were taken. Ideally, it would be used twice daily. Fourteen days after surgery, it's safe to start using it.
The utilisation of Antibiotics Following Hair Transplantation
After surgery, patients typically take antibiotics for three to five days. These are to stop any infections from happening and make sure the patient heals quickly. The antibiotics are provided at our clinic for the patients.
Possible use of antibiotic cream (Fucidin or Bacitracin) during the healing process. When pimples or bumps are noticed in the recipient or donor areas, you should apply this cream directly to the inflamed areas.
Finasteride (Propecia 1 Mg Or Proscar 5mg) \sWill be prescribed if necessary. They prevent further hair loss and strengthen thinning strands of hair. The procedure is also employed to lessen the patient's physical trauma after surgery. Patients may experience a decline in libido. This rare side effect is temporary and goes away after quitting the pill.
Consume one-fourth of a 5 mg tablet of Proscar daily.
Propecia 1 mg should be taken once daily, preferably at the same time each day.

Minoxidil (5 per cent Or 2 per cent) - Spray Or Foam
To be prescribed if deemed necessary. A 5 per cent concentration is recommended for male patients, while a 2 per cent concentration is recommended for female clients. To aid in the speedy recovery of transplanted hair follicles while reducing natural hair loss.
Once the donor and recipient areas have fully healed, You can apply minoxidil one month after the transplant.
Biotin (Food Supplement) (Food Supplement)
Biotin is a popular supplement for healthy hair and nails because it promotes cell growth—recommended use: at least six months after a transplant. No prescription is needed for Biotin; you can freely purchase it at any pharmacy.
A prescription will be issued if deemed necessary. One can use this tool to stimulate blood flow by massaging the scalp. Forty-five days post-op, twice or thrice weekly use is allowed.
Hair Transplant Recovery Time
Our comprehensive post-hair-transplant aftercare programme and professional advice are always available to you, even after your procedure is complete and you leave our clinic.
After this, new hair should start growing in nature, which may take up to three months.
Although the new hair growth may be coarse and patchy initially, it will eventually mature into a complete and beautiful mane.
Most patients have achieved natural hair growth by the ten-month mark following their procedure.
Every patient is different, and so are their outcomes and their recoveries.
Just because your hair isn't growing back as quickly as others' doesn't mean the treatment isn't working.
However, as part of our aftercare promise, you can always give us a call or schedule a free check-up if you have any worries.
The Healing Period Post Hair Transplant
Please strictly adhere to your doctors' instructions for post-op care.
Our aftercare page contains additional resources.
A saline spray bottle is included in the comprehensive Head Quarters aftercare bag patients receive upon leaving the clinic following a hair transplant procedure.
Spraying your scalp with this solution will help the follicles heal more quickly, protect the incisions from infection, and keep them from scabbing.
Here are some pointers on how to spray the donor and recipient sites:
Spray your left side with your left hand and your right side with your right.
If it is more convenient, have a friend or relative spray it.
After spraying for 12 hours straight, you should get some rest.
It is also crucial that you get plenty of rest in the days immediately following your hair transplant.
Aside from the fact that was resting aids recovery, the procedure can be exhausting.
It would help if you avoided swimming, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, strenuous exercise, and other similar activities as they pose a risk following a hair transplant.
Use saline sprays on your scalp regularly to keep it moist and healthy.
You should comb your hair while it is dripping wet but do so carefully to avoid irritating or bleeding from the scalp.
Recovery & Rest Is Crucial After A Procedure
At this point, post-transplant discomfort and swelling should have subsided.
Still, at this point, you should avoid shampoo and concentrate on gently removing any scabs or dried skin.
Returning To Your Haircare Routine
Your scalp is probably red and scabby now.
It usually goes away after 10-14 days, but in some cases, especially for those with fair skin, it can linger for much longer.
As long as you're not experiencing any pain, there's no need to worry.
Once the scabs and pink skin have completely healed, your hair follicles will go back into a state of dormancy, and your new hair will fall out.
If you stick with the process, your transplanted follicles will produce thick, healthy hair.
Your hair is now healthy enough to be washed regularly.
We often get asked for recommendations on what shampoo is ideal after a hair transplant.
Use whatever shampoo you usually use; it's OK if it isn't too harsh.
Most shampoos are safe, but if you have any questions about the ingredients, feel free to contact us.
Tea tree shampoo is recommended in your aftercare kit because it is mild and will not aggravate your scalp.
After a hair transplant, you can resume your regular hair washing routine.
Put some lukewarm water in a clean bowl.
Add some tea tree shampoo and work it into the water until it forms a soapy solution.
Carefully pour the solution from a cup or jug over the donor and transplanted areas.
Lightly pat the grafts and gently wash the suture line in a circular motion in the transplanted area.
For the next two weeks, on days 4 and 14, follow this routine once per day.
If you had FUT, you could expect to have your stitches removed between 7 and 10 days after surgery.
Check-Up Appointments
We let nature take its course, and your hair will start growing again after the incisions have healed.
We'll follow up with you at the 3-month and 6-month marks to see how things are going and take some photos. We know that schedules get hectic, but these are important, so please put them on your calendar.
Because everyone heals at a different pace, this gives us a second chance to monitor your progress and ensure there are no unusual developments. It also gives you more time to ask our experts any remaining questions you may have about the aftercare future of your hair.
Hair Is Regained & Begins To Grow Naturally
It takes about two to three months for your hair to grow naturally after a hair transplant. Still, this initial growth will be sparse and uneven because different follicles activate at other times.
Most hair follicles will begin producing new hairs between the ages of 4 and 8, and by ten months after a hair transplant, the vast majority of patients will have achieved total, natural, healthy hair growth.
Trim is usually necessary at this point to get everyone's hair back to the same length.
Which are the most effective strategies for dealing with post-transplantation hair loss? As you recover from surgery, we've laid out some important considerations. Please don't overdo it; instead, take it easy and give yourself plenty of time to recover.
While the time spent healing after a hair transplant is brief, there are a few details to keep in mind. The first three days following a hair transplant are the most critical for rest and avoiding intense exercise. Allow your scalp a full 72 hours of rest and healing before shampooing your hair. You'll need to give up cigarettes for roughly four weeks before and after the operation. Avoid drinking alcohol for roughly 5 days post-op as it thins the blood and could create complications.
The hair can be washed once 48 hours have passed. A cupful of water and a drop or two of shampoo is all you need to clean your hair. It is usual practise to slather the transplanted region in lotion, oil, or some other suitable moisturiser for 15 to 30 minutes. The scabs can be avoided with daily shampooing. If you can wait the first week, you can wear whatever you want on your head.

After surgery, it's normal for your head to swell a little bit, especially on days 3 and 4. Swelling must be kept to a minimum in the first week following surgery. Avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks. Though it may help, it's best to wait at least five days after surgery before drinking alcohol. After Hair Transplantation: Antibiotic Use.
It's best to take your regular dose of 1 mg of propecia at the same time every day. Massage of the scalp with a dermaroller has been shown to increase blood flow. Male patients are advised to take a dose of 5%, while female customers should take a concentration of 2%. It is recommended to spray the scalp with saline solution to promote faster healing of the follicles, prevent infection, and reduce the likelihood of scabbing. Get lots of shut-eye in the days following your hair transplant surgery.
Maintain a healthy, hydrated scalp by spraying it periodically with saline solution. It is safe to return to your regular hair-washing routine after a hair transplant. Because of its soothing properties, tea tree shampoo is a great addition to your post-treatment pack. In most cases, the FUT patient can anticipate having their sutures removed between the seventh and tenth day following surgery.
Be patient, as the outcomes may take some time to manifest. We say thank you to those following our blog post on how to recover from a hair transplant.
Content Summary
- Hair transplant surgery might help you feel confident again by giving you a full head of natural hair.
- Take it easy and don't push yourself too much.
- It's crucial to rest after a hair transplant, especially during the first three days.
- Most doctors recommend taking it easy for two weeks after a hair transplant.
- It is recommended that you wait at least 72 hours before shampooing your hair after a hair transplant.
- Your scalp will get some much-needed downtime to heal and rejuvenate.
- Once that amount of time has elapsed, you can give your hair another mild wash.
- Avoid drinking alcohol for roughly 5 days post-op as it thins the blood and could create complications.
- For roughly four weeks prior to and after the treatment, you should not smoke due to nicotine's effect on blood pressure and reducing blood flow.
- For the same reason, avoid direct sunlight on your scalp for around two weeks.
- You can avoid the social stigma of having oily hair while gently maintaining your hair grafts with this procedure.
- If you wait till then, you won't be able to wash your hair as you normally would.
- The clinic takes the time to instruct each patient how to wash their hair properly because it can greatly affect the success of a hair transplant.
- You should divide your hair washing routine into three phases:
- After waiting 15-30 minutes, wash the scalp with lukewarm water.
- After surgery, your doctor may also recommend washing your hair twice a day.
- We understand that you may be self-conscious about your new hairline after a hair transplant.
- If you can wait the first week, you can wear whatever you want on your head.
- There is very nothing you can do after the first five days after surgery to induce your grafts to fall out.
- After surgery, it's normal for your head to swell a little bit, especially on days 3 and 4.
- Swelling must be controlled during the first week after surgery if the patient is to maintain an upright position with their head above their heart (by sleeping in a recliner instead of a bed, perhaps while watching a marathon on Netflix).
- When your head starts to itch in the beginning, try to resist the urge to scratch it.
- While recuperating from a hair transplant, travel is possible, but you must avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.
- Hair dye, alcohol, and drugs
- Before your transplant, you can safely colour your hair up to the big day, but you should wait four weeks thereafter.
- The lotion should be massaged into the skin of both the giver and the receiver.
- You should wash the scabs from your head with a light shampoo every day until they fall off naturally.
- Antibiotics are prescribed after surgery and are usually taken for three to five days.
- Antibiotics are available to patients at our medical centre.
- Antibiotic cream (such as Fucidin or Bacitracin) may be applied to the wound to speed up the healing process.
- At one month after the transplant, both the donor and recipient areas should be completely healed before minoxidil can be applied.
- Recommended use: at least six months following a transplant, biotin is a popular supplement for healthy hair and nails because it increases cell growth.
- Once your hair transplant treatment is complete and you leave our facility, our thorough post-operative aftercare programme and expert counselling will continue to be available to you.
- If you have any concerns, however, you can call us at any time or set up a no-cost follow-up appointment as part of our aftercare guarantee.
- Please take your post-operative treatment exactly as prescribed by your doctors.
- Patients who have had hair transplants at Head Quarters are given a saline spray bottle as part of a larger aftercare kit before they leave the facility.
- After undergoing a hair transplant, it is essential that you rest thoroughly for several days.
- Maintain a healthy, hydrated scalp by spraying it periodically with saline solution.
- After the sores have healed and the skin has returned to its normal pink colour, the newly grown hair will fall out as the hair follicles return to a resting phase.
- If you maintain the regimen, the hair follicles you transplanted will eventually mature into thick, healthy hair.
- It is safe to return to your regular hair-washing routine after a hair transplant.
- Tea tree shampoo can be added to the water and worked into a soapy solution.
- An individual's natural hair growth pattern is restored.
- Hair will begin to grow normally between two and three months after a hair transplant.
- Don't push yourself too hard; instead, relax and give yourself plenty of time to become better.
In what ways can I hasten the recovery time after a hair transplant?
For the first three nights after the procedure, it is recommended that you sleep with your head and chest elevated at a 45-degree angle.
Can You Swim After a Hair Transplant?
It would be best to avoid swimming, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, strenuous exercise, and other similar activities as they pose a risk following a hair transplant. Use saline sprays on your scalp regularly to keep it moist and healthy.
How soon can you expect to see the best results from your hair transplant?
Stitches that don't dissolve in water can usually be removed after 10 to 14 days. Usually, the transplanted hair will fall out after a few weeks, but it will begin to grow back eventually. In most cases, new hair will start to grow after six months have passed. You should be able to see the full effects after 12-18 months.
What Are The Dos And Don'ts After Getting A Hair Transplant?
You can give your hair a mild shampoo wash on day three post-treatment. Keep your hair from getting washed too vigorously until the fifth day after treatment. Pointing the stream directly at your head is also not a good idea.
Following a hair transplant, is it safe to drink tea?
You should avoid green tea and alcohol for at least ten days following hair transplant surgery. Both green tea and alcohol have been linked to increased bleeding and little hair regrowth. Therefore, you ought to stay away from them.
For the first three nights after the procedure, it is recommended that you sleep with your head and chest elevated at a 45-degree angle.
It would be best to avoid swimming, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, strenuous exercise, and other similar activities as they pose a risk following a hair transplant. Use saline sprays on your scalp regularly to keep it moist and healthy.
Stitches that don't dissolve in water can usually be removed after 10 to 14 days. Usually, the transplanted hair will fall out after a few weeks, but it will begin to grow back eventually. In most cases, new hair will start to grow after six months have passed. You should be able to see the full effects after 12-18 months.